New Year, New Adventures

Hello for the first time in 2014! Some big things are in store for me this year. You can bet that travel is at the top of the list.

For starters I was hired by Evolve Body Jewelry Company to hit the road as a traveling representative and drive around the country promoting the company to piercing/tattoo studios, and of course selling them the pretties as well. This job will land me in 22 states total. This is fantastic and I couldn’t be happier with an opportunity like this.

During my travels I hope to make at least one post a week about the places I have been, how business is going, and a review on something from my favorite city that week.  That’s a tall order for a person who has scarcely posted in the last year. It’s possible though.

I don’t really believe in new years resolutions, but I do have some goals I’d like to accomplish. Some of them are goals I have had in the past but never really did anything about. I really hope that I will be able to do so this year.

Here’s a list of the ones I’d like to see done.

1. Read five new books cover to cover.

2. Finally Create my own personal webpage. I have procrastinated way to long on this.

3. Make it back to Europe.

4. Go to Mexico, and potentially South America.

5. Expand my vocabulary.


Not all. But some. We’ll see what happens come 2015.


Sorry this post is sort of all over the place. Hopefully as the year progresses I will get better and think things out a bit more.

Next time I write I’ll be somewhere on the east coast!