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Shannon Larratt, a person who has touched millions, who has forever left his mark upon the world. I know that no matter what I say, how little or how much I write, it will never be enough.  He passed on the 15th of March, 2013. In his last blog post (which can be read here) he talks of the wonderful life he had, and said some very great things. One of the quotes that has been floating around is this….


I encourage everyone to take the time and read through his entire post. If you know who he is, or even if you don’t. It’s very sad. I teared up while reading it.

Had it not been for this man, so many people that I call friends today would not be apart of my life. I probably would not have take the path I am currently on in life, I might not have ever learned to really accept myself. But because of everything he published and fought for, I don’t have those what-if’s in my life. And I am thankful for that.  Just last night I was saddened by the thought that I never wrote him an email telling him this, and never got the chance to explain how much he had influenced my life (although I started many messages and never clicked the send button).

Lastly, if you don’t know who he is. Please do a little bit of research, and find out. You will quickly find out he has more than likely had someone of an impact on your life as well. You have at the very least, seen with your own eyes things that maybe would not have ever been brought to the publics attention, had it not been for his writings, publishings, and push for acceptance of self expression.


Thank you. I will continue to be proud of who I am, and not be scared to express that however I like.  R.I.P.

Beautiful Weather

It really is a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, it’s not windy, no clouds in the sky, about 75 degrees out. Just perfect, feels like a spring day, and it’s still the first week of March. This type of weather I could live with forever. Today I woke up and went into work for about an hour. After words I took off on a 20 mile bike ride around town just enjoying the fresh air. I was hoping to find a friend to go with, but as usual I went alone. The ride was still now, but company would have been preferred.

Last week I purchased my plane ticket to head to Boston. I will be flying with United, and in Boston April 17th – April 24th. I full week of fun. I’m looking forward to it very much, it sure will be nice to see something new, meet new people, and just not have to work for a week. It’s the change of pace I need.

When I get back I need to start planning hard core if I wish to go back to Germany this year. I know I can afford the plane ticket, but i need money so that I can get tattooed as well, which is really the main reason I want to go back this year.

The other day I my old room mate had me come into her class as a guest speaker for her sociology project about body modification. I think it went rather well actually. She covered some good topics, and I was able to answer a bunch of questions and talk about my experiences, which seemed to frighten everyone in the class. The teacher seemed to enjoy what I had to say though which i was happy about.

Going up to Sacramento this weekend to fix my Grandma’s computer. I hope it’s quick and easy, I hate using my days off to do computer work. But I’ve been putting this off for a couple months now, so it’s about time.


That’s all for now.

Hello 2012

In a little under two hours that is. I figured I should say hello one last time before the turn of the year. As I wrote about last time, this has been a great year for me. I have accomplished quite a bit and grown even more as a person. I am truly happy with the adult I am becoming.

There is not much else to say really. I found the journal that I thought I lost which is good news, and I got my septum pierced as well which is very awesome and also a very powerful feeling.

A fun story for the end of the year. On Friday December 30th, I made my way up to Redding to visit Nathan’s Anthems to talk to friends and see friends, and get pierced of course. All of those things happened and it was great fun. But the best part of the night was meeting this kid named Andrew. He was 22 years old and from Boston. He had hitched and train hopped his way across the country and was just stopping in to see if anyone knew what there was to do in Redding. Pretty quickly he realized there was nothing to do in the town, but we all ended up chatting it up with him. I offered to let him stay with me in Chico as I was hitching back that night, he declined saying how he wanted to go to see the Redwoods. After a bit of thinking I decided to join him! We got along pretty good as it was, so after Joey closed down the shop we found some cardboard and started on our journey. It was pretty slow going. And we didn’t get anywhere. one guy stopped and offered us Trimming work, which we politely declined. Shortly after that we walked down to a valero to ask for rides to Eureka. The first people we asked were in a Two seater truck with a campershell. There was like 5 kids total and 2 dogs. So no room at all. they thought long and hard about taking the both of us because they were headed that way and had hitched before themselves. But no luck. they couldn’t fit us.

so we took to the corner and then I thought for a second and said “hey dude, if they can take just you, then hop in man, I don’t need to hold you back, your the one traveling right now, no me.” Sure enough they were able to take him, so he hopped in, said good bye, and I started my journey home. I ended up bumping into quite a few people that  knew which was cool and led to me getting a ride to a spot to thumb it. After about an hour I was picked up by a Truck Driver who took me to Red Bluff. I walked across town and stayed at my friend’s apartment for the night. Made back to Chico tonight around 6pm.

So with that being said, Good by 2011! It was a good time together and I will never forget you. Hopefully 2012 proves to be just as good if no better! Cheers everyone!
